Our Commitment to Quality

Our commitment

At Heavenly Tasty Organics safety is at the forefront of our business.  Not only do we provide the freshest Organic products, we ensure we take all steps possible to produce great quality products that are safe, healthy and perfect for your little one.


Heavenly Tasty Organics is leading the way in 100% organic healthy snacking for babies and children and we are very proud to say that we have achieved BRC Agents and Brokers accreditation which shows how important food safety is when it comes to all little ones.

This Global Standard is designed to promote best practice on product safety, quality and the operational criteria required to fulfil obligations with regard to legal compliance and consumer protection.

We always ensure that our products are made to the highest standards with low sugars and big flavours and this standard proves it :-)


Certified Halal

Heavenly are delighted to say that we are the first UK baby snack brand to have gained Halal certification.  Currently our Mini Italian Breadsticks, Coconut Squishies and Crispy Veggie Waffles are certified Halal with further products to follow.

This certification has not changed the fantastic recipes or delicious tastes that you all enjoy.  We feel that we want to make all our products available to all children.


Our Quality

Our organic raw ingredients are sourced from certified 100% Organic farmers and growers.  All of our products are certified by the Soil Association UK, and we follow strict guidelines for the production of Organic foods.  We have won three Soil Association Awards, three Irish Food Awards and two Great Taste Awards.  A real testament to the quality of our products.


Ensuring Food Safety

After we produce each batch of our delicious tastings products we then put the them through a positive release process.  This means that we have our products tested by a certified lab for microorganisms and only when we receive clearance from the lab do we release the products.  If any of our products do not get clearance we do not release them.  This ensures peace of mind for everybody.